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Monday, April 27, 2009

How to install Oracle SOA Suite On Windows XP

In this post I will document my experience of installing Oracle SOA Suite on Windows XP. No I am not switching and I’m still a Microsoft developer by heart. But I do feel that for me to improve my craft I must also understand how things are done in other camps such as Oracle, SUN, IBM etc.

The version I installed is Oracle Application Server SOA Suite and I decided to do a basic installation which installs Oracle Lite database as opposed to a full blown Oracle database. You can think of Oracle Lite as similar to SQL Server Express.

Installation can be started by clicking setup.exe after extracting all files form the downloaded zip. Setup.exe will conduct a quick check to see that right amount of disk space is available. After this the installation wizard starts.

Screen 1

This screen allows me to make a choice between a Basic Install or Advance Install and supply a name for my Oracle Application Server and passwords for admin account. Note that you cannot change the admin user name and database type will be Oracle OLite. Next thing is to click on Install button.

Oracle SOA Suite On Windows Screen

Screen 2

The wizard at this stage will happily go and install the software. This screen shows that my installation is at 74%.

Oracle SOA Suite On Windows Screen

Error Mesage

At almost 99% the installer may throw an error.

Oracle SOA Suite On Windows Screen

I just clicked okay few times and the error went away. The installer continued fine after that.

Screen 3

This screen shows that the installer is configuring required components which are required for applications in the suite.

Oracle SOA Suite On Windows Screen

Screen 4

This final screen tells me that the installation was successful. Hurray!

Oracle SOA Suite On Windows Screen

After clicking exit, the start page for Oracle Suite appears.

Oracle SOA Suite On Windows Screen


Overall experience of installing Oracle SOA Suite on WindowsXP is pleasant. The installer other than a minor hitch does a good job without nagging you with too many questions.

Now that I have the suite installed, I’ll play with it a bit more and post my learning experiences here.

You can download Oracle SOA Suite for Windows using the quick search engine.


How to Install Oracle Client to Windows XP

The Oracle database is a database management system (RDBMS) software program developed and produced by Oracle Corporation. Oracle has a strong presence in the business and corporate community. The Oracle Client, used in connection with the databases, can be installed on a variety of platforms. Learning to install the Oracle client on Windows XP will help you get the most out of your office environment.


Things You’ll Need:

  • Oracle Database installation disk

Determine that your computer meets the system requirements for an Oracle installation. The computer must have 256 megabytes of RAM (or more), a minimum of 216 megabytes of free hard-drive space and a computer processor with a speed of at least 550 megahertz.
Insert the Oracle installation disk into the CD-ROM drive of your computer.
Click the "Start" menu in the lower left-hand corner of the Windows XP screen and select "My Computer." Double-click the CD drive. Typically, this drive is drive E:\\. Open the "Client" folder.
Double-click the setup.exe file to launch the Oracle Universal Installer. This installer program will guide you through the Oracle client installation. The entire process is automated. Do not close the installation dialog box until the entire process is complete. Depending on the speed of your computer processor, this may take several minutes.
Click the "Next" button in the "Welcome" window of the Oracle Universal Installer.
Choose the type of Oracle Client you wish to install on the Windows XP computer. You may choose Instant Client, Administrator, Runtime or a Custom installation. Click the "Next" button.
Name the Oracle Client home directory and click "Next."
Click the "Install" button in the "Summary" window to begin the installation process. Follow the onscreen prompts. You may be required to name the database the client is connecting to, as well as the manner in which you plan to connect (e.g. an IP network).
Click the "Exit" button at the end of the installation process to close and exit the Oracle Universal Installer program.


How to install Oracle 9 client and ODBC on Windows 2000 and XP

Make sure you have rights to install software on your PC before you start.
  • Click on the Install/Deinstall option which appears when the CD is loaded. You can check what is installed at this stage.
  • On the File Locations screen, accept the Oracle Home name as Oracle90 and suggested path C:\oracle\ora90. If you have two hard disks, accept the drive it wants to use since the installation will fail otherwise.
    Note that some stuff will get put into Program Files though and there seems to be no way of avoiding this.
  • Note that Oracle documentation is held on a separate CD-ROM.
Available products are now loaded


Types of installation

There are 3 types of installation:
  • Administrator : management console, management tools, networking services, utilities, basic client software (647Mb). Not relevent unless you want the database administrator tools
  • Runtime : tools for developing applications, netwoking services, basic client software, networking services and basic client software (486Mb). Get too many tools!
  • Custom: choose own components- best option as you get more control over installation

Custom Installation

If you just want ODBC,choose Custom and then deselect the options in the correct order (if you deselect in the wrong order you will not be able to deselect ones you do not want).
  • deselect Oracle HTTP server
  • deselect Workflow client
  • optionally select/deselect Windows Documentation
  • deselect Oracle Internet Directory client (this must be done after deselecting HTTP)
  • deselect Enterprise manager (this is only for database administrators)
  • make sure Net services is ticked
  • make sure Universal installer is ticked so that you can check what is installed
  • make sure the Programmer component is selected, expand and make sure ODBC is ticked, and tick whatever else you need. You are unlikely to need the Cobol and C options. Oracle provider for OLEDB goes together with Oracle Objects for OLE and is unlikely to be used, as is the object type translater and the call interface. XML and XML SQL also go together (only select them if you want to use XML).
  • make sure you select the security option for network security
  • select net9 client. This will install:
    • Net9 client (to talk to remote Oracle database)
    • Net9 Assistant (
    • Net9 Configuration Assistant
    • Sqlplus (to be able to type in sql commands)
  • Sit around for about 10 minutes while it installs loads of products including JDBC.
  • It should then get to the configuration assistant and run it. Sometimes you just sit there like an idiot wondering why nothing is happening while being told that the network assistant is running. If this is the case, press Alt/tab and select the java coffee cup- for some reason this is not shown on the open programmes panel at the bottom of the screen.

Oracle Network Configuration Assistant

The assistant will take you through the configuration either for Directory Usage Naming Methods or you can choose to perform a typical configuration.
  • Leave typical configuration unticked and select next.
  • You are then given the choice to complete the configuration now or defer.
    Answer No.

  • oracle/ora90/network/admin/ folder, renaming any default sqlnet.ora file if it exists. This is the recommended thing to do.
    The sqlnet.ora file looks like:
    # C:\ORANT\NET80\ADMIN\SQLNET.ORA Configuration  File:C:\ORANT\net80\admin\sqlnet.ora # Generated by Oracle Net8 Assistant  NAME.DEFAULT_ZONE = world  #sqlnet.authentication_services = (NONE)  SQLNET.EXPIRE_TIME = 0  NAMES.DIRECTORY_PATH= (ONAMES,TNSNAMES, HOSTNAME) #names.directory_path = (TNSNAMES)  NAMES.DEFAULT_DOMAIN = #NAMES.DEFAULT_DOMAIN = world  NAMES.PREFERRED_SERVERS =    (ADDRESS_LIST =       (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1532))      (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1575))      (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1575))      (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1575))      ) AUTOMATIC_IPC = OFF #TRACE_LEVEL_CLIENT = OFF 
    You can pick up the tnsnames.ora file (if you find you need it- for example if you get unrecognised service name) from a previous installation or from Maggie Shapland and paste it into the newly created oracle/ora90/network/admin/ folder making sure the old tnsnames.ora that was created by default if you did not exit, is renamed first. For each connection, the entry looks like (where datasource, machine_address, and database_name must be specified):
     datasource =   (DESCRIPTION =     (ADDRESS_LIST =        (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = machine_address)(PORT =1521))     )     (CONNECT_DATA =       (sid = database_name)     )   )  
    eg =    (DESCRIPTION =      (ADDRESS_LIST =          (ADDRESS =            (COMMUNITY =           (PROTOCOL = TCP)           (Host =           (Port = 1521)         )     )     (CONNECT_DATA = (SID = hprod)     )   ) 
  • If you really want to carry on with the network configuration, you are given the choice to complete the configuration or defer. Make sure you tick No at this stage
  • On naming methods configuration, choose host name
  • The version of Oracle is 8i or later
  • The service name is the name of the database
  • the network protocol is tcp
  • the hostname is the name of the server- which should be suffixed with
  • the port number is 1521
  • At this stage you can perform a test, but be aware the default test username/password is scott/tiger which is not installed in this database, so try typing the username, password and service name you have been given
  • This will create tnsnames.ora and sqlnet.ora, but the domain name will have an extra suffix of your department, so rename these two files and copy in the files you have been given. You can use Notepad to edit

    Connection Timeout

    You are now ready to stop the connection being timed out after the default 10 minutes.
  • Run regedit as a Start command. This will edit the registry
  • Find connectiontimeout
  • Choose Modify and show decimal
  • Change 600 to 0 (so does not disconnect) or to something bigger (the number represents seconds)

    Testing the connection

  • select the DOS command prompt from Accessories
  • Type tnsping hprod
    (one of the Bristol databases, otherwise type the name of one you want to test). It should identify the connection and confirm OK

    Creating a Data Source

    You need to create a data source to be able to use Access as a front end to Oracle
    • Select Microsoft ODBC administrator from Oracle/Network Adminstration
    • Data source types
      • Select the user DSN tab if the data source will only be used from your PC for the logged on username (Typically, entries in this tab are added by applications that are installed locally and that use a data source, such as Microsoft Office) else select the System DSN tab.
      • The System DSN tab allows you to configure a specific data source to a client-server database. Using the System DSN tab to configure a connection will write an entry for that connection in the registry in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\ODBC\ODBC.INI\ODBC Data Sources. The advantage of this is faster access, since it is in the registry. The disadvantage is that it will have to be created on each local machine.
      • The File DSN tab does the same thing as the System DSN tab, but the File DSN tab will create a file stored on the local server with the extension .dsn on the local drive in the folder at C:\Program Files\Common Files\ODBC\Data Sources. The advantage of this approach is that the file can be easily copied to other machines.
    • Press Add
    • You will be asked which driver to use. Choose Oracle in OraHome90 NOT Microsoft ODBC for Oracle since this is the driver that you have just installed and will not cause problems such as described in ODBC PROBLEMES USE THE QUICK SEARCH ENGINE.
    • Choose a data source name- can be the same as the data source service that you specified above eg xxx or perhaps the username to be used
    • Choose a description eg xxx
    • Give a data source service name. This must relate to the definition in the tnsnames.ora file eg xxx
    • Give the default username for that datasource
    • Click OK
    • You can now test the data source by using ODBC test from Oracle/Network Adminstration
    • Press Connect
    • Choose a data source from the Machine Data Source tab
    • Give the passwd for the given service name and username
    • Type some SQL eg select table_name from user_tables
    • Press the Execute button and hopefully some data will appear
    • If something goes wrong, test the service name by typing tnsping xxx on the Command Prompt found in Program /Accessories on the Start menu to check the database is up
    • The Connection Pooling tab allows you to enable and configure connection pooling for a specified driver. Connection pooling uses a connection to a data source from a pool of connections, so that a connection does not have to be reestablished each time you access the data source. Unless you are having trouble establishing or maintaining a connection, you probably will not use this tab. Connection pooling timeout is set to 120 second by default.
  • Installing Oracle on Windows server

    The following outline describes the steps required to install Oracle9i (version on the Microsoft Windows 2000 operating system. It is assumed that this is a fresh install and that no other Oracle products are installed at this time. If this is not the case, then these instructions may not work on your system.

    Where to get Oracle9i for Windows NT/2000


    These instructions may or may not be applicable for other versions of Oracle (such as Personal Oracle9i, Oracle9i Lite) or for other Microsoft Windows operating systems (such as Windows 98 or Windows 95). For the record: No Oracle Product will work on Windows ME or Windows XP Home Edition so don't even bother.


    Before you even start this process you should have:
    • A Pentium III or Pentium 4 based PC with at least 800 MHz processor, 256 MB of RAM (512 is much better) and at least 10 Gigabytes of free disk space.
    • If you only have 256 MB of RAM, make sure you have Windows manage at least 400 MB swap file (virtual memory).
    • This machine MUST be running Windows 2000 with service pack 1 or (preferably) 2 installed. If you are running MS IIS, disable the web server (running on Port 80 by default) before starting the Oracle 9i installation.
    • At least 10 GB of free disk space:
         Space to download or copy source ZIP files:  1.5 GB
      Space to unpack source ZIP files: 1.5 GB
      Space to install Oralce9i Software: 2.0 GB
      Space for Oracle data files (varies): 2.0 to 5.0 GB

    The Installation Process

    As with most Windows installation programs, inserting the CD-ROM (ordered or purchased from Oracle) into the CD-ROM drive automatically executes the setup program. (If this does not happen, use the Windows Explorer to view the contents of your CD-ROM drive and double click on the "setup" program there).

    If you downloaded the Oracle9i from Oracle Technet, then you need to unzip the files into a three temporary directories and double click on the setup.exe program in the Disk1 directory) to get the installation process started.

    The following Welcome window will appear:

    It is assumed that this is a fresh install so no other Oracle products should be installed at this time.

    Click on the Next button to move to the File Locations screen as shown below:

    In this screen, the Source and Destination locations must be selected.

    The Source path should reflect either your CD-ROM or the directory in which you unzipped the source files. Leave this as the default. In the example above, the source files were unzipped into c:\source\Oralce\9i\NT20009011\Disk1 directory.

    For the Destination, leave the Oracle Home named OraHome90 as the default. Choose a hard disk drive that has at least 10 gigabytes of free space. In the example here, we are using the C: drive.

    Leave the \Oracle\Ora90 path as it is (the default). If you must change this to a different drive, only change the drive letter and not the directories.

    Click on the Next button to load the Product information. This may take up to 2 minutes (depending on the speed of your machine). Once the product information has been read, the following 3 "Available Products" options are presented:

    Make sure the Oracle9i Database is selected and click on the Next button.

    The "Installation Types" screen will appear next. For this installation, we chose the Enterprise Edition.

    The "Database Configuration" screen will appear next:

    For this install, we chose the "General Purpose" Database option. Click on the Next button to continue.

    The next step is to identify the database using the Global database name:

    If some default Global database name and SID are given, keep them. Otherwise, use the following (make a note of these for later on):
    Global Database Name is orcl
    Oracle SID is orcl

    Click on the Next button to continue to the "Data File Location " screen

    In this step, you need to select where the Oracle data files will be located. In large operations, we typically keep the data files on a separate disk (or disks), however, for this install, we are storing the data files in the same C:\oracle directory tree. Keep the default as shown and click on the Next button to continue.

    In the next screen, choose the default character set for the database:

    Click on the Next button to move to the "Summary" screen:

    In this screen (shown above), the products and files that will be installed are summarized. Note that in this example, it will take 1.5 GB MB of disk space for the installation of the software. Additional space will be required for the default database.

    If everything looks OK at this point, click on the Install button to begin the installation.

    During the install, you will notice various Oracle products being copied over to the hard disk. For example, in the above figure, a portion of the Oracle Enterprise Manager is being installed.

    Once the installation is completed, the next step will be to configure the various additional services and the database. This is shown below:

    Each of the configuration programs will be executed in turn. The HTTP Server (Oracle/Apache) should launch automatically and open up TCP/IP port 80. You should notice a new Command window as follows:

    Oracle HTTP Server Powered by Apache/1.3.12 (Win32) ApacheJServ/1.1
    mod_ssl/2.6.4 OpenSSL/0.9.5a mod_perl/1.24 running...

    The Net Configuration Assistant and Oracle Intelligent Agent should run automatically and not prsent any sustained screens.

    The Oracle Database Configuration Assistant will appear for some time while the default database is created and opened. As below:

    Once the default database has been installed, the following screen will appear:

    Clicking on the Password Management button and change the default passwords for the SYS, SYSTEM, SCOTT and DBSNMP accounts as shown below:

    Click the OK button when done.

    This should conclude the configuration of the database and the "End of Installation" screen should appear as below. Click on the Exit button and click on the following Yes button to confirm exiting the Installation program.

    At this point, be sure to reboot your computer so any final changes can take affect. In particular, the path c:\oracle\ora90\bin will be added to the PATH environment variable.

    New Program Groups

    After Oracle9i is installed, you will notice several new program groups in the Start menu.

    These include:

    • Oracle Installation Products
      Tools to help manage the installation and removal of Oracle products on the machine.
    • Oracle - OraHome90
      The set of tools used to work with Oracle90. These include:
      • Application Development - Tools to develop Oracle applications including SQL*Plus
      • Configuration and Migration Tools - Tools to migrate older Oracle databases to version 9i
      • Enterprise Management Packs
      • Enterprise Manager Quick Tours
      • Integrated Management Tools
      • Oracle HTTP Server

    Starting and Stopping the Database

    Under Windows NT and Windows 2000, the Oracle 9i database runs automatically as a service. Below is a view of the Windows 2000 Services mangement console showing the services installed by default:

    Note the last one OracleServerORCL is the actual database process itself. OracleOraHome90TNSListener is the listener process for remote connections to the database. OracleOraHome90Agent is the Oracle Agent used to communicate with management services. Finally, the OracleOraHome90HTTPServer is the Oracle/Apache web server.

    Since the OracleServerORCL service is set to start automatically, the database wll start and mount each time the computer is started up. To manage the database processes directly, one can use the Enterprise Manager Console in Stand-alone mode. From the Start menu, choose Programs -> Oracle - OraHome90 -> Enterprise Manager Console and select Launch Standalone. The following screen should appear:

    Click on the plus sign to expand the Databases branch and then once again to expand the ORCL branch. When prompted for username and password, use the SYSTEM account and choose to log in as SYSDBA. In SYSDBA mode, the SYSTEM user can perform most any manipulation of the database.

    Once logged in, clicking on the Instance tree and then the Configuration tree should display the current state of the database:

    Testing the Installation

    Once the database is running, the SQL*Plus tool can be used to connect to the database.

    Go to the Start -> Programs -> Oracle - OraHome90 -> Application Development program group and run the SQL Plus application. Once SQL Plus is running, you will be prompted for 3 things: Username, password and Host String.

    The default Database Administrator's account has a username of SYSTEM and a default password of MANAGER. You may have changed the SYSTEM account password in a previous step so use the new password.

    Fill in the Username and password fields with the SYSTEM account and leave the Host String field blank. Since we are connecting to a local Oracle database, no Host String is required. Click on the OK button as shown below:

    If the database is running and the username and password are typed correctly, SQL*Plus should log the SYSTEM user in and present the SQL> prompt as shown below:

    By default, you can also log in with the SCOTT/TIGER account. That is, there is a demo account already set up in the database with username SCOTT and password TIGER. Many of the examples in the Oracle documentation use the tables included in the SCOTT user's account.

    Using the On-Line Help

    If you elected to install the Personal Oracle8i documentation to your hard disk, you can access the HTML help files by going to the Start -> Programs -> Oracle - OraHome90 program group and selecting the Release Documentation item.

    Your default web browser will be launched and the opening page for the Oracle documentation will be displayed.


    How To install Oracle On Linux Red Hat Fedora Core 4, 3, 1, RH 9 on x86 and x86-64 (AMD64/EM64T) Architecture

    The following procedure is a step-by-step guide (Cookbook) with tips and information for installing Oracle Database 10g on Red Hat Fedora Core 4, 3, 1, RH 9 on x86 and x86-64 (AMD64/EM64T) Architecture


    Download Oracle10g Software and Burning Oracle10g CDs

    For Download Oracle use the quick Search Engine.
    NOTE: To install a Oracle Database 10g (without RAC) you only need to download the database file ship.db.lnx32.cpio.gz, or 10201_database_linux_x86_64.cpio etc.

    Compute a cyclic redundancy check (CRC) checksum for the downloaded files and compare the checksum numbers against the numbers posted on OTN's website. For example:
    cksum ship.db.lnx32.cpio.gz
    Uncompress the downloaded file(s):
    gunzip ship.db.lnx32.cpio.gz
    Unpack ship.db.lnx32.cpio:
    $ cpio -idmv <>
    I executed the following command to burn the Disk1 directory on a CD:
    # mkisofs -r Disk1 | cdrecord -v dev=0,0,0 speed=20 -
    (Drives' speed varies; you can get the dev numbers when you execute cdrecord -scanbus).

    Note that 10g R2 won't fit on a single CD since it has over 780MB.


    Checking Memory and Swap Space

    Oracle says that the system must have at least 512MB of RAM and 1GB of swap space or twice the size of RAM. And for systems with more than 2 GB of RAM, the swap space can be between one and two times the size of RAM. You might also want to check out The quick search Engine
    For test sake I tried to install an Oracle Database 10g (Type: General Purpose Database) on a little PC with 256MB of RAM and 1 GB of swap space. I was able to get a 10g database up and running on this little PC without a problem.

    To check the size of physical memory, execute:
    grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo
    To check the size of swap space, execute:
    grep SwapTotal /proc/meminfo

    You also can add temporary swap space to your system by creating a temporary swap file instead of using a raw device. Here is the procedure:
    su - root
    dd if=/dev/zero of=tmpswap bs=1k count=900000
    chmod 600 tmpswap
    mkswap tmpswap
    swapon tmpswap
    To disable the temporary swap space execute the following commands:
    su - root
    swapoff tmpswap
    rm tmpswap